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It’s a chaotic jungle out there in youth sports as parents pursue the dream of providing society with the next elite athlete. The journey is rough and costly in time, energy, and emotions.

A Standardized, quantitative snapshot of a young athlete’s overall skill set to take some chaos and guesswork out of youth sports, in some cases building a roadmap towards professional or NCAA decisions.

Athletes engage in Youth Combine® event (up to 2 X per year) Each event handles 500 young athletes ages between 7 and 15 years (in age specific cohorts) Youth Combine generate vast amounts of valuable sports science data

  • Once combine is completed, the athlete will have a current APS specific to their age category and independent of any one sport
  • The individual APS reflects an athlete’s true and quantitative abilities along with their growth patterns
  • The Youth Combine® smart /social app offers vast visualization tools that make the easy sharing of information to friends, family, coaches, and colleges
  • Youth Combine® participation and year-over-year APS data allows for rational planning and decision making as the coach, parent and young athlete consider (pursue) navigate specific sport decisions and/or NCAA scholarships

APS Combine Testing

50 Yard Dash
The 50 Yard Dash is a test of speed and power. Starting from a three-point stance each athlete runs 50 yards as fast as they can. Split times are recorded at 40 and 50 yards to measure acceleration.
60 Yard Shuttle
The 60 Yard Shuttle is an anaerobic test featuring a ladder shuttle of progressing distances. From a starting line, each athlete runs 5 yards and back, then 10 yards and back, then 15 yards and back, touching the line each time.
Cone Alley
The athlete will start at the back row and run forward. Always keep the forward cone in front of the body. Going back to the first row will be determined by the coach. Run forward, stop with the cone in front of you, backpedal to the next cone in the first row, and go around behind it and run forward.
Broad Jump
Similar to the vertical jump, the Broad Jump is a test of lower body strength, explosion, and power. The broad jump measures how far you can jump, not how high. From a standing position, the player jumps forward off two feet as far as he can.
Vertical Jump
Similar to the Broad Jump, the Vertical Jump is test of explosion and power. The player jumps off both feet straight up as high as he or she can.
Static Station
Measurements for the following will be recorded:
Standing Height: Measured to the nearest 0.25 inch.
  • Weight: Using a calibrated beam-type balance and recorded to the nearest quarter lb.
  • Hand Grip: Test of hand grip muscle strength, conducted on each hand.
  • Wingspan: Measured to the nearest 0.25 inch from he middle finger tip to middle finger tip.
  • Hand Size: Measured to the nearest 0.25 inch.
The 3 Cone or "L-Drill" is one of the most popular combine drills used to measure speed and agility. This drill requires multiple changes of direction in a small space. The player starts by getting down in a three-point stance next to Cone 1. On the command 'Go', he runs to Cone 2, bends down and touches a line with his right hand. Then he turns and runs back to Cone 1, bends down and touches that line with his right hand. Then he runs back to Cone 2 and around the outside of it, weaves inside Cone 3, then around the outside of Cones 3 and 2 before finishing at Cone 1. The player must run forward while altering his running direction, as opposed to strictly stopping and starting in opposite directions.
It is a straight line drill. The athlete runs to the first cone, turns to shuffle to the next one, and then turns and runs to the last cone. Hit the brakes and return to the start. Run, shuffle, run. The middle 4 yards are always shuffle and the outside 5 yards are always run.